Fully rigged and animated fantasy Orc monsters pack. .3ds .max-7.0 file versions included 6 different 1024x1024 .jpg texture skins 2LODs included: Models are game-ready and optimized for real-time engines.
Formats included:
.b3d (Blitz3D) .blend (Blender3D) .dts (Torque engine) .fbx .max (3dsmax 7.0) .mb (Maya) .ms3d (Milkshape3D) .w3d (Adobe Director) .x (DirectX)
Animations list: 000 - 100 Idle 110 - 150 Walk 160 - 190 Run 200 - 300 Atack 1 300 - 360 Atack 2 360 - 450 Atack 3 500 - 590 Death 1 600 - 680 Death 2 700 - 730 Strafe right 740 - 770 Strafe left 780 - 860 Jump 870 - 920 dodge left 920 - 970 dodge front
High LOD 6201 triangles Low LOD 2437 triangles