3DRT - Chibii Animals

3DRT - Chibii Animals Low-poly 3D model

Verification details of the FBX file
Binary FBX
No unsupported objects
No N-gonsNo faceted geometryManifold geometry
Textures and Materials
PBR texturesNo embed texturesSquare texturesPower of 2 texture sizesAssigned materials
No UV overlapsUV unwrapped model
Allowed characters

Chibii animals lowpoly 3d animated pack. 10 animals: cow, pony, dog, cat, goat, sheep, pig, puppy, chicken, duck. Each animal has 5 texture skins making it total 50 animals.

Formats included:

.b3d (Blitz3D) .blend (Blender3D) .dae (Autodesk) .dae (Collada) .fbx .ma (Maya) .max (3dsmax 9.0) .max (9.0 - bones) .ms3d (Milkshape3D) .psa .psk (UDK) .unitypackage .x (DirectX) .x (XNA)

25 animations:

0 - 5 T-pose 10 - 180 idle_01 180 - 280 idle_02 280 - 380 idle_03 390 - 490 sitting 500 - 600 sleeping 610 - 625 hit 625 - 660 attack 660 - 700 death 710 - 830 wash 830 - 900 eat 900 - 980 happy 980 - 1060 glum 1060 - 1130 voice 1130 - 1190 licking 1190 - 1240 shaking 1240 - 1300 digging 1310 - 1350 walk 1355 - 1395 walk_back 1400 - 1440 walk_left 1440 - 1480 walk_right 1485 - 1505 run 1510 - 1540 jump 1545 - 1585 swim 1590 - 1630 jumpy

asoperation 2023-07-12 03:25:10 UTC
Nice work! I've already previewed its details before purchasing on AssetOvi that indexed most game assets from major mainstream stores. https://assetovi.com/3d-models/characters-creatures/3drt_chibii_animals_cats-274897103148/?utm_source=cgtrader&utm_medium=official
komtoon 2022-10-19 00:24:21 UTC
is game ready ?
Item rating
2 0
3DRT - Chibii Animals
Custom License 
3DRT - Chibii Animals
Custom License 
Response 84% in 2.4h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Autodesk 3ds Max (.max)627 MB
  • Blitz3d (.b3d)627 MB
  • Blender (.blend)627 MB
  • Collada (.dae)627 MB
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx)627 MB
  • Autodesk Maya (.ma, .mb)627 MB
  • MilkShape 3D (.ms3d)627 MB
  • Unity 3D (.unitypackage, .prefab)627 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2015-05-10
  • Model ID#129415
  • Animated approved
  • Rigged approved
  • VR / AR / Low-poly approved
  • PBR
  • Geometry Polygon mesh
  • Polygons 0
  • Vertices 0
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Unknown
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing