The 3D model of the zip fastener. This type of open-end zipper is typically used for sportswear, military and police uniforms, workwear, childrenswear, sleeping bags and various outerwear.The length of teeth rows is 5 centimeters. You can easily replicate it any number of times to create the zipper of the length needed.The model consists of 9 separate objects, wich make it easy to combine and adjust the components of the zipper in your project.The components included: slider, right teeth row, left teeth row, right tape, left tape, right top stop, left top stop, bottom box, bottom pin.The model presents solid mesh of regular quadrangular topology, having UVW unwrapping with smoothing groups, conformed to the UV shells.The zipper teeth share the same UV space (overlap). Other components have their own UV spaces being a separate objects.
File formats:
Polygon count (12873 vertices, 12760 quads in total, no tris and ngons):
Dimensions (W L H):
Note:STL exchange format is provided for the compatibility with CAD-oriented 3D software. STL mesh has the same number of polygons as the original mesh, therefore its resolution may be insufficient for quality 3D printing.