Stylish long skirt with an accent of a train, modeled from a person with tailoring knowledge. Low-poly 3D model ready for Second Life and similar environments.This 3D model is provided in five different sizes suitable for the 'Standard Sizing System', to wit a set shapes frequently used inside Second Life.The skirt has three separate material areas: the belt, the front, and the back.
The package contains:5 high-quality skirts sizes (DAE)5 low-quality skirts sizes (DAE)1 simple 'physics' file (a cube), needed to upload the product on Second Life and similar environments. (DAE)3 texture colors: white, gray and black (TGA) 1024*1024 pixels1 UV template texture (PNG)1 AO texture with basic shadows (TGA)2 Alpha textures, to be used with the 'alpha layers' of Second Life (TGA)1 Photoshop file (PSD) 1024*1024 pixels1 OBJ file (OBJ and MTL)1 Text file with simple upload instructions to Second Life (TXT)