Velocity Systems Men’s BOSS Rugby Tactical Shirt Low poly 3D Model ready for Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), games and other real-time app
This model is Tested Successfully in
Texture Pack -UE4 Pack - Diffuse ,Normal , Occlusionroughnessmetalness - 2048 Maps (11 Color)will arranged all 11 texture sets in seperate folder like mentioned belowFolder 1 -Ranger_Green , Earth_Tan , Blue , Black , Red , Coyote_Brow , Wolf_Gray for this colors will done only one occlusionroughnessmetallic Map and Normal Map.Folder 2 Fabric UCP Dirty (All map seperated )Folder 3 UCP (All map seperated )Folder 4 WOODLAND_blue (All map seperated )Folder 5 WOODLAND_Green (All map seperated )
PBR Metalrough - Diffuse , Normal , Ao , Height , Roughness , Metalnes -2048 MapsFolder 1 -Ranger_Green , Earth_Tan , Blue , Black , Red , Coyote_Brow , Wolf_Gray for this colors will done only one occlusion , roughness , metallic , Height Map and Normal Map.Folder 2 Fabric UCP Dirty (All map seperated )Folder 3 UCP (All map seperated )Folder 4 WOODLAND_blue (All map seperated )Folder 5 WOODLAND_Green (All map seperated )
Note - I have make this for UE4 and PBR metalrough Thank you For Visite Feelfree to Contact me if need any Guidance .