Product Name: Swimsuit
Copyright: September, 2022By: Rumen Delchev & Diana Dimitrova aka RuDy Studio
Originally created with 3ds Max 2021
|| USAGE ||
This model is suitable for use in [broadcast, advertising, design visualization, forensic presentation, etc.]
|| SPECS ||
This model contains 2 separate objectsThis model contains 13 144 polygons, 14 147 verts with TurboSmooth OFF This model contain only Arnold render materials(Phisical Material).
All preview images are rendered with Arnold renderNo Photoshop or compositing used, Product is ready to render out-of-the-box.
BUMP - 1 X .PNG 4096 X 4096DIFF - 1 X .PNG 4096 X 4096GLOSS - 1 X .PNG 4096 X 4096MASK - 1 X .PNG 4096 X 4096
Model is built to real-world scaleUnits used: cm. 28.665 x 23.808 x 65.326Scene objects are organized by layers / groups.No third-party renderer or plug-ins needed in order to use this product.
No animations
File formats other than 3ds Max exported as base mesh (not smoothed)