Hat created for pirates, musketeers, corsairs, or any similars.Can be used as character costume, outfit or skin.Can be used in male and female characters.Can be used with or without the feather, as shown.
Polygons/Points informations:
--Hat05 SubdivisionsIn highest subdiv: 338434 pointsIn lowest subdiv: 1324 points
--Belt05 SubdivisionsIn highest subdiv: 107520 pointsIn lowest subdiv: 420 points
--Feather Base02 SubdivisionsIn highest subdiv: 2598 pointsIn lowest subdiv: 651 points
--Feather - FibersNo subdivisionsVertices: 66192Polygons: 24822
TOTAL: In highest subdivision: 514744 pointsIn lowest subdivision: 2395 (without feather), and 68587 (with feather)
PS.: Feather was created with FiberMesh mode, with 01 profile and 03 segments per fiber.
Feather has 02 textures included, RED and BLACK.