--------------------( (About the Model )) -------------------
This model's rigging and chain design are done in Maya. Only the rigged model may be accessed in Maya. However, we designed this necklace so that it can be easily fit on any neck without the need for many changes.
--------------------( (About the Meshes )) -------------------
Maya: includes one .mb file that assigned Vray materials and the necklace chain is rigged.
The second file is just rigged and no material is assigned to it.
FBX: Without materials (no mat and rig).
OBJ: one raw file (no mat and tx).
USD: one raw file (no mat and tx).
(in raw files you can assign in-pack textures in your 3dmesh yourself)
--------------------((About the textures )) -------------------
In this case the textures made in just one size (4k).
*Important: we put a user guide folder in this package please read that before starting. Also for this case, I put a pdf help for texture mapping in PBR Texture folder.
*This package includes only the MEDIEVAL NECKLACE. Other objects shown in the picture are NOT included.
Update: Some files had minor problems, so I temporarily put the fixed files in a new Zip file called Fix_Update inside the package. Soon, I will replace the original files with healthy files in a separate update.