new balance 2002r salehe bembury PBR
i made this model from 3ds max with real world scale ,please read carefully the description ,
3ds max files ;
i have used vray for render i have used these modifies ;displacement ;vray fur ,turbosmooth this modify i have used under displacement vray to have more volume for it ,and for turbosmooth is still i didn't collapsed ,beside that the displacement is already mapped on model like you see in pics of maps .
all files have there OBJ and FBX and the textures
for the the textures i have included ; diff,normalmapDX,normalmapGL,roughness ,AO,meatalic,blendmap,displacementmap.to view the look of PBR model you can check last pics of the models after wireframe
others information
you can use this model easy in others software like maya or C4D or Blender beacuse all textures are mapped on model ,you have only to create materilas inside these models .
another thing the Vray fur is applied only on N letter is seperated part ,all parts are seperated,and others effects fabric made with displacement .
All textures are 8K