alzate 2023-06-15 18:25:31 UTCalzate
Can the horns print separate and attach or is it only 1 piece? Thanks!
Archive - mask-horned-Ue4-fbx.rar - mask-horned.fbx, mask-horned-without-jaw.fbx
Archive - mask-horned-Ue4-texture.rar (8bit-4k) - 2 Color.png, Normal.png, RGB-roughness-metall-AO.psd
naming example (mask-horned-Color)Archive - mask-horned-Unity-fbx.rar
Archive - mask-horned-Unity-texture.rar (TGA8bit-4k) - 2 Albedo, AO, Normal, SpecularSmoothness
naming example (mask-horned-Albedo-2)Archive - mask-horned-all-texture.rar (PNG8bit-4k) - AO, Cavity, 2 Color, metallic, specular, Glossiness, Normal, Roughness
naming example (mask-horned-Cavity) Archive - mask-horned-obj.rar - with mtl Archive - mask-horned-3ds.rarFile - mask-horned-max-2013.max