PRODUCT OVERVIEWThis is a 3d sculpt of a Long Sleeve Womens DressOriginally created with ZBrush 4R P2 and BlenderRender in ZBrush renderMay be used for your own characters with a little adjustment
GEOMETRY LISTDressButonsUnderskirtBeltZipper
Product is provided in zpr and .ztl format. You need to have Zbrush 4r6 or above to open .ztl zpr file.
Subdivision levels range from 1 to 7
This product opens with all the subtoolsmeshes on highest level. Subdivisions of each subtool ranges from 1 to 6 subdivision levels and can be exported from zbrush to your 3d package of choice.
UV MAPPINGAll subtool have been UVed
POLYPAINTDress have been polypainted
Model is built to real world scale.
All objects and materials individually named
Other formats exported as base mesh ColadaFBX OBJAll Textures include in its zip files