Leather briefcase in 2 versions: black leather with grey steel findings and brown leather with golden yellow metal findings.
PBR textures for specular glossiness workflow 4096*4096 PNG 16 bit
Textures: Color, Specular, glossiness, normal Direct X, normal openGL, AO, height
2 base color textures: Black and Brown and 2 specular maps for each color. Other textures are common for both colors.
Also avialable baked maps from hi poly mesh for custom texturing - AO, height, normals, curvature in PNG and PSD ( additional_textures.rar)
Real world scale (you can see its size on Blender screenshot, its last).
Rendered in marmoset
This model is available in the collection Leather briefcase with two texture variations - One briefcase and 2 texture variations - new leather bag and old used bag. You can buy each separately or buy a collection at a bargain price. Mesh and UV are the same for both, so you can switch the textures on the same model and get the different look.