• Jordan 4 Retro Off White Sail PBR this shoes made from real world shoes all details are similair to real world Air Jordan 4 Retro ,you will not find any difference between them ,all model made with quad polygons and some small triangles as you see in pics ,and all parts of shoes is seperated to differents parts to you can deal with it in any others programs. • Textures all shoes are uvmapped to 4 differents uvs UPPER SOLE Transp_Mat Transp as you see in pics ,i have made 8K resolution of textures to provide you high definition results ,also i have included 4K resolustion in case you want to work with less quality . Render engine all format are created with good way with materilas depending on softwares ,and i used 8K textures to give you high quality • PBR Ready materials made with metallicRoughness (BaseColor_Roughness_NormalMap_Height_Ambient occlusion_metallic_opacity ) all texture is 8K