The native file is a Zbrush file with three arm positions organized in three folders, each containing an arm and the wrap for the arm. The hand positions are: left hand neutral, left hand open fingers, right hand holding object.
The Arms subtools have 6 subdivisions.The Handwrap subtools have 8 subdivisions.
PBR Textures: Arm (Basecolour, Normal, Metallic, Roughness, SSS) and Wrap (Basecolour, Normal, Metallic, Roughness). All textures are png files at a resolution of 4096x4096.
The normal maps are exported in case you want to use them with the lowest subdivisions.
The way the hands are wrapped are like the Doctor Strange Marvel character.
The tools are exported on its lowest, medium and highest subdivisions to OBJ and FBX (version 2020).
All 3d model images are screenshots from Zbrush.