This is a production ready cuban link bracelet with diamonds. The model was made using vray and has 2 procedural materials. Because of this, the model is not UV'd at all. You don't need it for these materials to work accurately. If you are not using vray then you will need a material for the diamonds, and one for the gold (but don't worry, I can share my knowledge for free for anyone to use - scroll down!) WORKS AS IS!
I tried to keep the scene simplistic, so there are no render layers. There is a light set up that has a sweep across the bracelet. I also have a camera setup as well. I attached a .mov so you can see how the light interacts with the bracelet. The render settings are set up for an ideal render at 1920x1080 but feel free to alter any of those settings. The HDRI being used is completely free, you can try more out too if you don't like the one I used (https://hdrihaven.com/hdris/). Lastly, there is no rig because I tried keeping it very simple. Oh, also, you will notice a Louis pattern in the .mov; I did not include the Louis floor because I don't own the rights to the image I used for it!
If you have any questions or concerns please contact me @ cameronrichardscott@gmail.comI respond usually within 24 hours :D
Now onto the quick shader demo (this universally applies to any PBR workflow):
To make a gold shader:
To make a diamond shader: