Roman Shoes Vol. 2 [Caligae and Carbatinae]. Faithful Reconstruction. C4D, 3DS, OBJ, Poser/Daz, VUE6to12!___________________________________________Hi-DEF, Hi-detailed, Photoreal 3 different Typical Roman pairs of shoes. Accurate archaeological reconstruction from scientific and archaeological data and evidence.
Real World Scale Model [Real World System]. Quads [C4D; OBJ] & Tris [VUE;3DS].
SmartCgArt is member of the Archaeological Institute of America-AIA.
In the package you will find:1- typical Roman Legionary Military Boots Caligae with Real Roman Hobnails Pattern [Model B];2- Military Carbatina in use since 1 century AD with Real Roman Hobnails Pattern [Model A];3- Common Carbatina [Model B];4- 31 Hi-Quality Hi-Def PhotoReal Textures [1000x1000; 512x512; etc.];5- Hi-DEF level of Details;6- Real World Scale SmartCgArt Man Reference System with models [C4D, VUE, 3DS, OBJ, DXF].
POLYGONS/VERTICES COUNT [C4D, OBJ: only/mostly quads/VUE-3DS: triangulated]A-Caligae Model B [C4D, OBJ: 63848; 63958][3DS, VUE: 125474; 63958]B-MilCarbatina Model A [C4D, OBJ: 75036; 76644][3DS, VUE: 150072; 76644]C-Common Carbatina Model B [C4D, OBJ: 10196; 9882][3DS, VUE: 19542; 9882]
These models are useful for many types of sceneries, ancient sceneries but also modern ones, as for Roman re-enactment.
The Archaeo.Sys 3D series is developing high-fidelity 3D reconstruction of Objects, Architecture and Scenes from Classical Greek and Roman Antiquity.