In each project, many items required by the artists consist of repetitive and similar items. To increase the speed of each artist in all tasks and parts of the project, we need a library of suitable models for various purposes, such as creating high-poly or using as a low-poly
After purchasing this product you have :
35 , 3D model as FBX and OBJ and BlendModels tris count average is 10 kAll models have clear mesh and UVReady for texturing
Our dear friendWe love our customers, and they are important to us.We will refund your money if you are not satisfied with the product purchased.Buy with confidence from us.
You can use this pack in the character design / Game Design / Virtual world building / Animation / Vfx and ....
Count ( all 35 Model ) :
vertices :907,285Edges : 1,779,804Faces : 868,792Triangles : 1,797,632
This Product Created by Jeff Studio
special thanks to cgbod.artstation.com
If you have any questions regarding this product, don't hesitate to contact us!
If you support this product, we can make more models at a lower price and make your job easier.