Cartoon Skate Girl Rigged
High-quality Fantasy Model
File Format:
Maya 2022 【Arnold 5.2】
Maya 2022 【Vray 6】
Maya 2022 【Redshift 3.0】
FBX 2022
Clean topology based on quads.
This model is completely UVunwrapped.
All nodes are named clearly.
Real-world scale.
The unit in maya is centimeter.
The Girl is 150 centimeters tall.
Two types hair : polygon hair and maya Nhair.
Two types eyelash : high poly and flat plane with alpha map.
these can be swithched by the head controler.
Texture and shader:
body vest jean shoe texture Res is 4K.
The Arnold shader is used in arnold version.
The Vray shader is used in vray version.
The Reshift shader is used in redshift version.
Advanced facial rig to achieve a variety of exaggerated facial expressions.
The body rigging also have many advanced features.
You can download the preview file to learn more about the rig.
Lights and Render setting are included in the maya scene.
Just open and render.