An artistically beautiful, detailed and accurate depiction of the Human Anatomy.
This product consists of the following systems:
The model is rigged and ready for animation with sample poses.
The scene is organized into layers for easy management so you can easily hide or isolate individual systems. All components are correctly named & grouped appropriately in the scene.
The Brain's outer Cerebrum extends to the inner halves to end at the Corpus Callosum. So you can remove 1 half of the brain to show the internals.
Internal details of the Brain modeled as actual 3D components & fitted together nicely in an easy to understand manner.
The Cerebrum is color coded into the 4 lobes: Frontal, Parietal, Temporal, Occipital. A normal solid version is also included ( hidden ) without the colored lobes.
Detailed Nervous System consisting of the Central Nervous System, Peripheral Nervous System, & Autonomic Nervous System.
Detailed Spine correctly depicts the Cervical Vertebrae ( C1 C7 ), Thoracic Vertebrae ( T1 - T12 ), Lumbar Vertebrae ( L1 - L5 ) & Intervertebral Discs.
Detailed Spinal Ligament consisting of the Anterior & Posterior Longitudinal, Intertransverse, Facet Capsular, Interspinous, Supraspinous, Ligamentum Flavum & Nuchal Ligaments.
Spinal Ligaments & Cardiovascular are texture mapped ( 1024 & 2048 respectively ). Materials are applied to all other objects.
The Cardiovascular system is color coded blue & red to distinguish between vein & artery. Heart pumping is achieved by animating a single Heart Bone.
A sample animation is included in the scene to demonstrate the possible poses & motions that can be achieved using the rig.
A PDF document is included to explain how to correctly use the Model.
Model contains mostly 4 sided polygons for efficiency & modeled to real world scale.
A transparent human model is included free, to give a sense of the organ's location, without cluttering the important details inside.
Optimized subdivision cage gives smooth edges even in high definition. Just step up the subdivision levels.*
*The original model is smoothened using Subdivision which renders exactly like the preview images, yet preserving the original low mesh density like the wireframe preview. User only needs to crank up the subdivision to get a high poly & detailed mesh for rendering, OR crank down the subdivision for a low poly mesh while animating.
No special plugins needed.Just load and animate!
MotionCow is the publisher of high quality photorealistic 3D Models & we proudly stand behind all our products.Please contact us if you need help with our models.