Muscle_Anatomy Female Torso
Includes 6 skin modes, skeletal system with connective tissue, and complete muscular system (including all deep muscles). Includes OBJ and FBX for maximum compatibility.
==FEATURES==-Custom GUI to control 6 skin modes including full color / gray scale / x-ray, on / off toggles for each system, and transparency sliders for each system. Built in controls also allow model to rotate model 360 without disrupting lighting.-Every object is select-able and named / grouped properly for easy organization-Can Isolate any muscle, including deep tissue muscle and see the correct origin and insertion onto the underlying skeleton-Native Maya File-Real World Scale-Realistic Textures-Displacement map for extreme detail-Clean edge-loop based topology (no n-gons, minimal triangles)-Light set up ready to Render-Height 79cm, Width 72 cm, Depth 31 cm
==TEXTURES==(4096x4096) Arm_Color.tif(4096x4096) Arm_Displacement.tif(4096x4096) ConnectiveTissue_Color.tif(4096x4096) ConnectiveTissue_NormalMap.tif(2048x1024) ImageBasedLighting.hdr(4096x4096) Leg_Color.tif(4096x4096) Leg_Displacement.tif(4096x4096) Muscles_Arm.tif(4096x4096) Muscles_Face_Color.tif(8192x8192) Muscles_FemaleTorso_Color.tif(4096x4096) Muscles_Leg_Color.tif(4096x4096) Pelvis_Color.tif(4096x4096) Pelvis_Displacement.tif(8192x8192) Ribs_Color.tif(8192x8192) Skeleton_Torso_Color.tif(8192x8192) Skin_Female_Color.tif(4096x4096) Skin_Female_Displacement.tif
==ADDITIONAL FILES==An OBJ file has been added to increase compatibility. Please note that the OBJ contains the entire model (hierarchy free) with all Color Maps assigned and a .mtl file. Advanced xRay shaders, control rigs, and displacement maps are not supported.
An FBX file has been added to increase compatibility. Please note that the FBX contains the entire model (with hyerarchy and layers in tack) with all Color Maps assigned. Advanced xRay shaders, control rigs, and displacement maps may not supported by all software.