A Male hand.All poses and animations have their root removed so that it is easier to control the main hands via controllers. Very detailed textures have been created and rendered in 4096*4096png format with Extra optional variations of each base texture along with AO and Curvature maps.
Textures Included: Albedo * 3 variationsNormal * 2 VariationsMetal-Smooth * 2 VariationsBlood EffectTattoo * 2AOCurvatureSSS-Nail-Palm Mask
Extra texture supplied can be used to control Sub Surface Scattering, Nail Color and Palm tint.
FBX(animted) and Obj(static, quads) are included.
Normal Mpas are Open GL format (unity) (flip green for Unreal Engine)
Unity and Unreal Pack available on request and proof of purchase.
Animation Ranges:5-34 - FormFist36-37 - PoseFist61-62 - PoseSpread71-72 - PosePoint78-79 - PostThumbsUp87-88 - PoseRockOn97-98 - PosePeace107-108 - PoseThree117-118 - PoseFour124-125 - PoseAoK132-133 - PoseUpYours144-145 - PoseShoot160-185 - AnimThumbsy190-265 - AnimComeHere290-484 - AnimRangeTest506-509 - CallMe515-516 - FlashlightHold520-880 - AnimIdle