Realistic 3d model of the head and face muscles, great for anatomical reference.
The model shows the main 28 head muscles + cartiges + bones. It's ideal for medical anatomical reference and study.All the muscles and other objects have been named with the corresponding anatomical term as listed below.
The Material for the muscles in Zbrush (as shown in the preview images) is included, the other ones are included within Zbrush by default.The Materials for the max version are included in the max files.
Zbrush Head anatomyZbrush Head anatomy with colours
3ds Max 2010 Head anatomy highres3ds Max 2010 Head anatomy middleres
OBJ highres (one OBJ per object with a total of 36 objects)OBJ middleres (one OBJ per object with a total of 36 objects)
List of 3d models included:
Frontalis, Temporalis, Corrugator, Procerus, Depressor supercilii, OrbicularisOculi, OrbicularisOris, MasseterSuperior, MasseterDeep, Mentalis, DepressorLabiiInferioris, DepressorAnguliOris, PlatysmaNodularPortion, PlatysmaLabialPortion, Buccinator, (Node), Risorius, LevatorLabiiSuperioris, ZygomaticusMajor, ZygomaticusMinor, LevatorAnguliOris, NasalisTransverse, DilatorNaris, LevatorLabiiSuperiorisAlaequeNasi, DepressorSeptiNasi, AuricularisAanterior, AuricularisPosterior, AuricularisSuperiorLateralCartige, NostrilWing, AlarCartidge, EyesSkull, Jaw, TeethUp, TeethDown