bunsking3 2019-04-05 11:53:08 UTCbunsking3
any video animation demo?
Beautifull Bat 3d model with Fully rigging system, textures and materials
Preview rendered with finalrender.
Rigged with bones, cloth and flex (for membranes). Skined with normal Skin modiffier Included simple animation for exemple Textures include: Normal, alpha, bump, difuse, glossness, spec color, spec level, sub surface scartering All textures size 1024x1024. All textures in hires (4000x3000) and low res (1500x1125)
Materials produced with finalrender. Subsurface scattering only supported with Finalrender. If necessary I can reproduce the materials in vray or other render according to demand.
Available in MAX, FBX and OBJ file.