2023-01-09 09:53:52 UTCfinntiger10
Go to my website 3dAssets.store to download this file for FREE
This is model base female head with smooth mesh.Baked normal map in 4096x4096 resolution.2 LODs mesh for female head
It's can be blendshape to each others, ease to switch between 2 mesh.
LOD2 Male Head can Blendshape to LOD2 Female Head
You can go to Maya, select FemaleHead and select MaleHead, select Deform > Blend Shape in Menu Bar, And now in Channel Box, maya'll create blendShape1 node, you can switch between FemaleHead and Male Head.
Presentation Images
Files Included:
Basemesh Female Head Highres:
Basemesh Female Head Lowres01:
Basemesh Female Head Lowres02: