Happy Easter Everyone! this is my entry for the Easter 3D Printing Challenge.
Captured by evil scientists and force fed radioactive chocolate in the corner of a festering lab, now the Easter Bunny has escaped. He's keeping all the eggs this year and what's more he wants yours back!
3d printable Easter ornament print height intended to be around 140mm.
Click on the image within the 'Verold window for an interactive turntable! Hold left mouse button to rotate, right will pan and scroll the mouse wheel to zoom.
For a colour .WRL or .OB file please go here: http://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/character-people/fantasy/all-your-egg-are-belong-to-us-colour-printUpdate 30/04/2014: This is a revised version of my original printable Easter Bunny- the previous version had some issueswith the geometry around the mouth that could cause problems when printing in smaller sizes.