Detailed exterior model of the car. Divided into logical elements. Has customized Vray materials. There are three versions (low poly, medium poly, hi poly) of the fbx and obj import files. Two versions for 3D max (18 max and 24 max). The 3D max file has the MeshSmooth modifier enabled. Iterations - 0. Render Values: Iterations - 2.
FBX statistics: Low poly - Polygons - 767 735, Vertices - 593 648.
Medium poly - Polygons - 1 545 469, Vertices - 1 626 790
Hi poly Polygons - 2 340 403, Vertices - 2 437 538
The necessary textures are collected in the Textures archive.
Car interior WITHOUT DETAILS. Universal seats, steering wheel, control panel. They have one material, no textures.
The use of the model is approved by the author Podshyvalov-htc.