2019-11-20 11:52:21 UTCo-and-n
Just purchased the forklift model and wanted to ask you if you have a texture version that doesn't have the Hyundai sign and logos for legal reasons.
pack of forklift comes with two forklifts1. Used forklift 2. Damaged forklift Forklifts come with 2048x2048 textures. For used forklift: Albedo Metalic Normal Emissive For damaged forklift: Albedo Metalic Normal Models are well optimized for pc's aswell for mobile devices Used forklift _ 17422 Tris Damaged forklift _ 18066 Tris Preview of used forklift: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/QaQRE Preview of damaged forklift: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/VLOJb