Customizable Suv 4x4 Offroad Vehicle
This Vehicle was made following the latest AAA standars for these kind of assetsThis vehicle is generic and it has openable door, trunk and hood.
The vehicle has different parts that can be added or removed to create different variation of this car and it also has 6 color variation for the exterior.
This asset also includes as an addon the Car Trailer Pack that is also on sale in the assetstore
The meshes and polycount this asset has are:
AirIntaker: 631 polysBumperAddon: 3503 polyCables: 522 polysContent_Variation1: 2854 polysContent_Variation2: 2900 polysDoors_Variation1: 3256 polysDoors_Variation2: 832 polysFrontChains_Variation1: 15792 polysFrontChains_Variation2: 28752 polysRearChains_Variation1: 15792 polysRearChains_Variation2: 28752 polysInnerPiper: 1008polysLights: 422 polysRackVariation1: 1.176 polysRackVariation2: 860 polysRoof: 3128 polysSpareWheel: 144 polysVehicle: 66059 polysTrailer :21509 polys
Materials and Textures
Exterior Material with 6 Different Variations: Blue, White, Black, Red, Yellow and Camouflage uses 4096x4096 textures:Albedo(6 Variations), MetallicSmoothness, Normal
Interior Material uses 4096x4096 textures:Albedo, MetallicSmoothness, Normal, Emission
offRoadKit Material uses 4096x2048 textures:Albedo, MetallicSmoothness, Normal,
Trailer Material uses 2048x2048 Textures for Albedo and Metallic and 4096x4096 for its Normal texture
Glass Material uses 1024x1024 textures:AlbedoTransparency, MetallicSmoothness, Normal,
Wheels Material uses 2048x2048 textures:Albedo, MetallicSmoothness, Normal,
Chain_1 and Chain_2 Materials both uses 1024x1024 textures for its Albedo, MetallicSmoothness and Normals