Dodge Charger SRT8 2006 Police/Normal + carrig
Neubi3D - Quality guaranteedOriginal Object created with Blender3D 2.70 / new-tested in 2.74 RC2The Blendfile is the original with textures, uv-map,material nodes and render settings.The carrig funktion is only in the blend-file.
To use the rigging:
Activate on startup in the head of Blender the 'RELOAD TRUSTED' button, request OK?activate with 'REVERT'.Select the Suspension-Sim mesh/part go to the physics-setting and press 'FREE ALL BAKES'in the 'Cloth CACHE' sub-menu. Now activate the 'BAKE' to bake the animations.The Car dynamics is experimental in blender find other setting for other car dynamics.In the carrig find simulation from: suspensions, steering, rotation of the wheels.Animation of carrig find in the Preview. (tested with Blender 2.75 RC2)
Remove the police-lamps and texture and use this at normal SRT8.
All Images rendered with Blender Cycles Engine.The Images rendered with the Subdivisions Surface Level 2. One following camera in the scene.
blend - Blender 3D (original) Textures - separate in directory
Verts - 202831 Faces - 191540 Tris - 382480