Zenvo TS1 (fan based edition)a custom version of zenvo ts1 with custom body and styletexture set in divided into 3 parts i.e part 1,2 and 3 each with 2048 x 2048 sizecomplete mesh is divided into 25 parts with particular texture set and materials.there are total 70 textures which includes diffuse,normal,glossiness as well as emissive and opacity maps for required mesh.Please download and use substance painter format only when needed .the 25 meshes are:-1)back cover2)bonet3)base4)engine_15)engine_26)dashboard7)gear8)door9)exhaust10)glass11)F_headlight12)Front13)fuel cap14)sides15)grills16)main base17)rear18)rear_light19)rear tyre20)front_tyre21)safe22)seat_123)seat_224)side_body25)steering wheel
screenshots are rendered from 3ds max 2017 and substance painter 2