Tesla Roadster 2

Tesla Roadster 2 Low-poly 3D model


Tesla Roadster 2 Prototype

All preview images shown, rendered with Octane Render. Plus a few screenshots of the model in the viewports of Cinema 4D, Substance Painter, and Element 3D. Enviroments and lighting setups are not included, but let me know if you want them. You can find more close-up renders of the Tesla wheels with the Michelin tires, or purchase them separately, in my store. No interior (its available in a separate model in my store).

[Technical Information]

  • Real world scale.
  • All geometry is subdivision ready.
    • Polycount at subdiv Lv. 0: 142,186 (Base Mesh).
    • Polycount at subdiv Lv. 1: 565,104 (Shown in the Wireframes).
    • Polycount at subdiv Lv. 2: 2,260,416 (As rendered in Octane).
  • All glass geometry has thickness.
  • Tight and consistent tolerance between all the panels (2 mm).
  • The Airfoil is rigged in Cinema 4D to extend and retract.
  • All wheels with proper pivot points and ready to be animated (Cinema 4D/FBX).
  • Fully unwrapped, non-overlapping UV's.
  • Polygon selections for all sub-parts, so you can easily separate or re-shade specific parts.
  • 8K PBR Textures (Includes an 8K vector based Displacement Map for the tire sidewall).
  • No N-gons, Isolated Vertices, or Complex Poles.

[Files Included]

_C4D_Octane - Cinema 4D project file with Octane shaders, using some of the 8K PBR textures, dedicated texture masks, and procedural shaders. This is where all the renders come from. Screnshot attached.

_ORBX - Octane Standalone Package with embeded textures. Can be unpacked as OCS, or imported into any host program running Octane (or Standalone), using the orbx importer.

_SPP - Substance Painter project file. You can edit the PBR textures for all file formats bellow, and even re-export render engine specific versions (Vray, Unreal Engine, Unity, Reddshift, Corona, Arnold, and more). The carpaint flakes are not baked into the PBR textures, but are set-up in Substance Painter and ready for export. Screnshot attached.

_TEX - Textures exported from Substance Painter and used for all the files bellow. Textures are 4K 16bit png files (Spec/Gloss PBR). Unpack in the root folder. All files point to these textures by default. Screenshot attached.

_TEX_8K - Textures exported from Substance Painter and used for all the files bellow. Textures are 8K 16bit png files (Spec/Gloss PBR). You dont need to download the 8K textures if you dont need that much detail.

_C4D - Cinema 4D project file with Physical/Standard shaders using the PBR textures exported from Substance Painter. Screnshot attached.

_FBX - Autodesk FBX exported from C4D. You may need to re-tweak the shaders abit, depending on the program you open it in, but all PBR textures should maintain link.

_OBJ - OBJ/MTL exported from Cinema 4D. Three versions: subdiv Lv. 0 / 1 / 2. All PBR textures still applicable.

_E3D - Ready to use in Video Copilot's Element 3D, plus an After Effects project file with the model already loaded. Using the OBJ at subdiv Lv. 1, and the PBR textures. Swap the OBJ for any of the other subdivision versions to adjust polygonal detail (right click, replace model). You may need to re-link the model/textures upon opening it for the first time, so just point to the root folder, where you extracted the texture pack. Screnshot attached.

_MAX - 3ds Max project file with default shaders, using the PBR textures. May need adjustments.

Extra formats with embeded textures at various resolutions (Metal/Rough PBR): .dae (Collada), .usdz (Pixar/Apple AR), .gltf/.glb (Khronos Group).

All files are zipped.

If you have any questions or requests, dont hesitate to get in touch. Also please consider leaving a like or a comment discussing the model. Im eager to know what you think about my models, so i can find ways to improve.

Interior-Mind2024-12-29 04:20:05 UTC
Romaneus2021-10-21 22:38:24 UTC
Good mesh!
tran-ha-anh-thu-992021-08-31 11:56:51 UTC
ueduard352020-12-03 08:16:27 UTC
Item rating
1 0
nightcrawlerrr2023-01-28 22:35:39 UTC
Tesla Roadster 2
Royalty Free License 
Tesla Roadster 2
Royalty Free License 
Response 95% in 0.1h
3D Modeling
UV mapping

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Cinema 4D (.c4d) (2 files)160 MBVersion: R19Renderer: Octane 4Version: R19Renderer: Default Physical
  • Autodesk 3ds Max 2017 (.max)13.3 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (2 files)356 MB
  • Collada (.dae)207 MB
  • Autodesk FBX 7.5 (.fbx)5.48 MB
  • Octane Render 4 (.orbx)200 MB
  • Substance Painter 2019.1.3 (.spp, .sbsar, .spsm)847 MB
  • Textures 4K1.83 GBVersion: 4KVersion: 8K
  • Stereolithography (.stl)122 MB
  • 3D Studio (.3ds)43.7 MB
  • Alembic 1.7.7 (.abc)2.47 MB
  • glTF (.gltf, .glb)70 MB
  • USDZ (.usdz)51.7 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2019-09-28
  • Model ID#2107945
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly approved
  • PBR approved
  • Geometry Subdivision ready
  • Polygons 142,186
  • Vertices 144,744
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Non-overlapping
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing