A very accurate model of a Porsche 944 S. The model comes in three formats:-.blend, rendered with cycles, as seen in the images;-.obj, with materials and textures applied;-.dae, with materials and textures applied;-.stl, ready to print in 3D;
This 3d model was originally created in Blender 2.71 and rendered with Cycles.There are two variants of the car:with the headlights up and down.The model has materials applied in all formats, and are ready to import and render.The model is built strictly out of quads and is subdivisable:
Subdivision 0: 110,320 verts / 107,980 polysSubdivision 1: 124,613 verts / 121,722 polysSubdivision 2: 180,683 verts / 176,700 polys
It comes in separate parts, named correctly for the sake of convenience.
For any problems please feel free to contact me.
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