• Highly detailed exterior with a simple interior model.• Render setup not included.
• 3ds max 2015 – includes both base mesh with Turbosmooth modifier, with Corona materials applied.
• 3ds max 2015 – includes both base mesh with Turbosmooth modifier, with VRay materials applied.
• 3ds max 2015 – includes both base mesh with Turbosmooth modifier, with scanline materials.
• Maya 2016- includes base mesh with default materials. Textures and materials should be applied.
• Obj – includes base mesh. Textures and materials should be applied separately.
• Fbx - includes base mesh. Textures and materials should be applied separately.
• Textures are archived separately.
• This model is suitable for use in closeup automotive exterior renderings.
• This model is an accurate representation of a real car using a scale of 1 unit = 1 millimeter. -Transforms are set to zero and the car pivot is set to 0,0,0.
• There are extra elements in the images 3 to 9 that are not included in the file.• These seven images are shown as a reference for the quality of the car model.• The last two images show the surface quality of the mesh.
• If you render this file using a different version of this renderer, you may not have the same results as you see on the thumbnails.
• Texture resolution range from 2048x2048 to 445X445.
• Model is built to real-world scale
• Units used: millimeters.
• Scene objects are organized by layers/groups/selection sets
• Each part is named logically with the material name so it is easier to find the materials which are applied to each object.
OBJ, FBX, and Maya file formats do not have textures/materials applied and will not render like the preview images. If you need any assistance please contact me via cgtrader.