DESCRIPCIÓNThis is a 3D low poly model ,it was designed to provide a high definition in a low poly. Standard low-poly mesh with specific poly count. It`s the tyre of the lotus E23 formula 1 3D model.Color, bump , displacement and specular map , exterior and interior.The model is completely ready for use visualization in maya. For low poly model simply press 1 and for the high resolution press 3. In Cinema4d go to function menu and subdivide. In 3dmax meshsmoothIn the low poly: Poly count : 4025 Vertex count : 4033In the high poly: Poly count : 64400Vertex count : 64483BONUS: Left and right textures included.Textures included. Each texture is in jpg format and have a 4K texture resolution for high quality The files are dae,obj, fbx, mb ,c4d and 3DS.In formats c4d, 3ds, dae, obj and fbx model exported to standard materials (textures), not contain mental ray shaders. files with the model does not contain extraneous or hidden objects (lights, cameras, etc.) original file format maya render in linear sRGB