Generic means this car does not exist in reality. Headlights and tail lightsare modeled and doors including the trunk can be opened. The model includesdetailed modeled tires.
Most parts of the model have been created as SubDivision/Turbosmooth surface. Thismeans using the 3ds Max or the Maya versions you can change theresolution/smoothness of the surface very easy.
If you import the low resolution of the .obj .fbx or .lwo version into a 3DSoftware that supports SubDivision surfaces you can also change theresolution/smoothness of the surface very easy. The base version of the modelwhich is not smoothed has of 1111427 polygons.
3D car model Hot New 2024
For other software packages that do not support SubDivision surfaces the modelis available in 2 different resolutions ranging from 1111427 to 7582935polygons.
3ds Max 2016 Format:
TurboSmooth is applied so you can set the object resolution as you like. Just usethe Named Selection Set TurboSmooth to select the SubD objects and the NamedSelection Set interior for the interior. The doors are animated.
One version with standard 3ds Max materials applied and one version with VRaymaterials applied is included.
Maya 2018 Format:
A selection set for all SubDivision surface parts is included so you can changethe resolution easily.
A display layer for the interior is included so you can hide it easily ifneeded.
FBX/ Cinema 4D R19/ Lwo 6.0 / Obj/ 3ds Format:
In 2 different resolutions. Interior and exterior are saved separately so youcan use the car also without the interior.
Previewsrendered in 3ds Max using VRay.