bernardesluca2 2024-03-20 02:15:49 UTCbernardesluca2
nice one
A car model heavily inspired by the GT40 Mk2. The file also includes a basic lighting setup to view the model, and 4 paint presets applied to basic meshes for easy modification.
Features: -Openable doors and trunk -Fully detailed interior -Detailed engine -4 paint presets in black, yellow, blue, and red
Other Info: -Quad based and subdividible -Is a high poly model (400,000 Polys) (240,000 without interior or engine) -All meshes are named logically (Ex. GT40_EngineBlock) -Made for cycles -Requires Blender 2.78 or later -Only the .blend version contains material data -Note that the striped version in the first screenshot is not included