This scene contains an animation of a car getting into a turn. Environment is based mostly on proxies. I tried to keep as much repetetive objects as reference so the loading times as well as rendering times are pretty fast. FullHD can render in 30 minutes on GTX 1060. The scene is mostly lookdeved using procedural noises and seamless textures. Asphalt and its shader can be easly used in a different project as everything is linked there and triplanar mapped to a certain scale.If you would have any questions please dont hesitate to contact me.
3DS MAX 2017/2020 + Redshift 3.0Timeline is 1001-1064 for the scene as well as alembic's.Mesh lights are used just as a camera rays, there are proper Redshift Rectangulars to properly light the scene and are easy to denoise. No spec-refraction noise, no random fireflies, everything has been optimised for Optix use.There is a procedurally animated rain droplets moving at the carpaint, letting you feel like they are sliding on the car based on the car movement.