Koenigsegg CCX 2006 - 2010
The Koenigsegg CCX looked to many like a mere evolutionof the CCR. The reality could not be further from the truth.The CCX was a true third generation Koenigsegg, designedon an enlarged chassis with almost no components carriedover. The CCX featured the latest available technology,including a new engine, new suspension and aerodynamics.
The name CCX is an abbreviation for Competition Coupé X, the X commemorating the 10th anniversary (X being the Roman numeral for ten) of the completion and test drive of the first CC prototype in 1996
The CCX was designed to be record-breaking, and with it'slong list of achievements, that goal was met and then farexceeded.
C4D (Cinema 4D + Vray 6) + FBX + OBJ
Separated Wheels, Roof, Doors and Engine cover
...Ready to Render...