Please read the description.Not 20 USD, only 5 USD with Payoneer
If you make your payment via Payoneer as written in the description, the sales price is only 5 USD.Make the payment with Payoneer and we will send you a special download link to your e-mail address.
We designed a concept F1 car taking into account Formula 1 2022 and 2023 rules. The car was developed with Catia V5.In the .rar file, you can find the .step format of the model, a few render images and the logos used. The .rar file is unencrypted; You can download and open it directly.
If you want to take a Formula 1 design course, go to
Youtube Links:
If you want to buy the model, pay 5 USD directly with your Payoneer account. My Payoneer account: battalengineeringtr01@gmail.comAfter receiving your payment, I will send a downloadable link for the model to your email address. Support:
Write your name, surname, your e-mail address, the name of the model you bought and the name of the platform in the description section. For example, W Amadeus Mozart,, Formula 1 2022 and 2023 Concept Car Design, CGTrader
After receiving your payment, I will send a downloadable link for the model to your email address. Support: