Well done!
MODELModel Software: Autodesk Maya 2018Object: BUGATTI DIVO 2018Mesh: Triangulate QuadrangulateUnwrap UV: Not overlapping
TEXTURESTexture software: Substance PainterTexture size: 1k (1080)Texture type: PBR Metallic/ RoughnessTexture lists: Back light, Brake caliper, Carbon, car paint carbon dark, carbon grill front back, carbon fiber top side back glossy , Chassis, floor dark grey, front Light, gas gauge side glass window light, grill back black, interior seat fiber grey, license plate, logo front, ocean blue glossy, rim, rim cylinder metal, seat belt, tire .
RENDERRender software: Mental Ray(Mia material x with imported textures connected by nodes).
OTHER SOFTWAREMarmoset ToolBag with same PBR textures and render in real time.