Good job!
Model: Anadol stc-16 Units: centimeter
Polys: 3,274.960 Verts: 3,014,977 UV Mapped: Yes
Render: V-Ray
Texture: 4k high quality pbr material
Contact separately for texture and fbx file
Formats: FBX,Ds Max 2017, OBJ,STL,GLB,ZTL
Previews rendered in 3dsMax using VRay. Please note that the studio scenes and light and environment settings are included. Files units are centimeters and all models are accurately scaled to represent real-life object's dimensions. AVAILABLE FILE FORMATS_FBX,3Ds Max 2017, OBJ,STL,GLB This model is suitable for virtual reality and 3d printing. If you have any questions about how to use 3d models, please contact us via Support.