High Detail, Accurate scale model of the classic Citroen 2CV AZU Van, 1958.
- Includes complete interior and accurate, engine & suspension parts. Tire tread modeled.
- Doors can be opened using rotate in 3ds Max.
- Roof can be used in open or closed position using Hide command in 3ds Max.
All parts named.
Poly Count:
- unsmoothed: polys 469,534 verts 390,817
- smoothed(as rendered, Turbosmooth iteration 1): polys 1,273,533 verts 768,796
- Note: Engine and transmission = 157,851 polys, smoothed
ZIP package includes:
3ds Max 2009 with mental ray materials and camera setup, ready to render
3ds Max 2009 no materials, model only with smoothing
3ds Max 2009 no materials, model only unsmoothed
.OBJ for C4D no materials
.FBX no materials
Renders are made using Mental Ray.
Includes Studio environment to produce renders as seen in example images.
- Polys only
- Includes materials and textures to produce example renders
Includes maps for , speedometer cluster, head and taillights and numberplates.