cgier3d2023-11-01 21:45:41 UTCHi there! This is an incredible model and Mr. Berkay is extremely talented. Highly recommended. 5*.
atomikkinder2022-12-10 19:34:52 UTCFile prints great, has a lot of detail even when printed very large.
johnguarnero2022-08-21 17:56:51 UTCModel is neat but if you plan to 3D print it, it has a bunch of mesh errors. Had to use Mesh Mixer to correct mesh errors. It has a triangle count in the millions. Had to reduce triangle count to a manageable number in Mesh Mixer as well. If your not familiar with correcting mesh issues I would avoid this model if 3D printing since to get the model in a working order for 3D printing, it is time consuming.
chris-1632f92022-07-26 18:40:27 UTCModel looks nice, says its 3d printable ready etc. Don't expect any useful support tho, asked a typical question as to what slicer and any preferred settings -- apparently the designer doesn't know anything about printing slicers or to provide any "technical support" for my printer. Strange conversation, but maybe your mileage will differ!