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Woman Gun 2 in ztl, stl and obj formats.
Rendered in Zbrush:
(ZTL)Zbrush (4R8) inf: ActivePoints 2,500. part1TotalPoints 105.000 All parts.
STL(and OBJ) files ready to 3D print.Checked and repair in Netfabb. (All files)
ALL 210.000 Polys 105.000 Points part 1 5.000 Polys 2.500 Pointspart 2 100.000 Polys 50.000 Pointspart 3 50.000 Polys 25.000 Pointspart 4 50.000 Polys 25.000 Pointspart 5 5.000 Polys 2.500 Points
Enjoy! For any questions you can contact me. Look in my library, there are many cool models for you.