The Princess Peach is designed based on the Super Mario Videogame with a sexy and naughty touch, she comes accompanied by Mr toad.Statue of 180 mm (18 cm), ready for printing by parts, includes obj file, mtl, stl. Please don't forget to leave a comment and your assessment, it is very important for me, I love knowing what you think of the work, besides what things could improve. As always, I encourage everyone to show me what they do with my Princess Peach statue (Photos, videos, etc.). If you are satisfied with my Statue, I would greatly appreciate your leaving a decent review and rating. I will be very glad that you also credit me for your work through any of my profiles below. Thank you for your support, if you have any questions, ask me, I will be attentive to answer your question. Website: Instagram: @michelballares Artstation: Facebook: Patreon page:
3D printing and masterful painting by Claudia Kirchner
Michel Ballares