Monkey D. Dragon, also known as the Rebellious Dragon,is the infamous Supreme Commander (総司令官, Sōshireikan?) of the Revolutionary Army and one of its founding members, as well as formerly the captain of the Freedom Fighters. He used to be part of the Marines but became disillusioned with the organization's outlook on justice;this, along with the fallout from the Ohara Incident, sparked Dragon's desire to attempt to overthrow the World Government, with his endeavors ultimately causing him to be labeled the World's Worst Criminal.This Model is design for resin printer, the model is error free, you can export it in any slicer you want without any trouble in geometry. Drop me a message for any concern.Any 3D printer FDM or SLA.Recommend for resin printer e.g. ABS Like Resin, Water Washable Resin, Castable Resin, etc.
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