3D MODEL DESCRIPTIONWhen you download it, there will be 16 Stl Files. Disassembled and As a Whole
1.Full Base and Figure2.Barrel Big3.Barrel Mid4.Barrel Small5.Base6.Hair Lef7.Hair Right8.Head9.Hips10.Jinx Full Figure11.Jinx Text ( Neon Lamp ) Optional12.Left Arm13.Right Arm14.Left Leg15.Right Leg16.Treasure
If you want, you can print it in a single mold or you can print it disassembled.
3D PRINTING SETTINGSPrint Temperature : : 200Table Temperature : 60Layer Height : 0.2 mmIntıal Layer Heigt : 0.2 mmWall Line Count : 0.4 mmFill Density : % 20Support : MaybeBuild Plate Adhesion : Optional