In the heart of a quaint Chinese village, an extraordinary tale came to life. Li Wei, a humble rice farmer, discovered an ancient amulet that bore the symbol of Lei Gong, the revered god of thunder and protector against evil spirits. Unbeknownst to him, the amulet held divine powers that began to manifest through his actions. With each act of courage and kindness, Li Wei seemed to harness Lei Gong’s strength, his presence becoming a beacon of hope for the village. As a drought plagued the land and darkness loomed, Li Wei’s connection with the god deepened. Guided by Lei Gong’s spirit, he embarked on a perilous journey to retrieve a long-lost artifact, believed to hold the key to restoring harmony. Through trials and determination, Li Wei not only saved his village but also rekindled the villagers’ belief in the ancient gods and the enduring power of compassion. 265-ST- Chinese God 1
The presented 3d model is based on chinese god Statue and is detailed for closeup renderings.
Geometry Polys (without subdivision): 430,000Verts (without subdivision): 200,000
Textures8k textures are used for the whole 3D model (8192 x 8192px)
File Formats3DS MAX / C4D / BLENDER / FBX / OBJ / STL / USDZ