This is a Sci-fi neon city somewhere in China.
In file you can find a full composition, like on the picture, with textures in c4d file with octane render. Also a 3d object, like on the pictures, they are can be useful. In folder with 3d models you can find a pictures, and obj files for this pictures. There are lot of useful stuff, suck as barriers, bilboards, shops (cinema enter has a statues and curtains, wich can be useful too), fittings, wires and other. Every store is presented as a block, so you can use them in modeling of buildings, of you can took different elements from there, such as statue of human, laptos, or showcases.Every obj has a texture, but read attentively, every obj also has a poligons with textures to facilitate the work with them.
Every texture, poster (in photoshop),or object was created by me, so you can use them in your own projects.
I hope you will like it!