This Apartment is a single mesh with props included in the file as bonus individual objects.
The building is approximately real world scale
The Building_Appartments.fbx mesh is 47,200 Verticies and Faces
The Building_Appartments_modifiersApplied.fbx mesh is 82,540 Verticies and 84,534 Faces
The UV's are non overlapping and the textures supplied are all 4K*
The name of the texture follows the name of the mesh in almost all cases with the type of texture appended to the end for example the texture "Building_Apartments_Building_Apartments_baseColor" is associated to the mesh "Building_Apartments" and so on..
The textures are in 8bit png format
The main textures supplied for each model are:
and for some objects the addition of
_emit (for glow effects)
_opacity (for transparency effects)
The props included with this model are
model Verts polys
Antenna base 2858 2866
Street Light 152 150
Door Entrance 1808 1913
Heat Vent 210 208
AC Vent 2343 2265
The props themselves are provided 'in location' on the building but you can add/remove/relocate as you prefer.
The file only includes the single building (in different formats) and the aforementioned props